Friday, October 28, 2011

As Steve Jobs came up with the idea to create the iPad

It seems that Apple owes thanks to Microsoft, because without that competition would never have been made iPad. Apparently a Microsoft employee in a dinner so much bitter Jobs decided to make the Tablet PC. The story says the man from Microsoft dozen times during the dinner came to Jobs and spoke of "revolutionary tablet" that will produce the company of Bill Gates.
- He was so mad and said: ** Zae, you show them how it should look like tablet computer, Jobs said at that dinner, writes Daily Mail.
Dinner attended by U.S. President Obama, the director of Apple Steve Jobs, head of Facebook Mark Cukenberg, director of Google Eric Schmidt, director of Yahoo Carol Bartz, director Dick Kostolo Twitter .

Sold 39.8 million iPad-and

Apparently anger made him Jobs in April 2010 th years to present the first iPad, and after his second generation. The first and second generation iPad-and together have sold about 39.8 bits. The real motive for creating the iPad author wrote the biography of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson. The biography was published early this week.

Isaacson 40 times interviewed Mr. Jobs during his battle with cancer, and talked with family, friends and founders of Apple. Jobs died on 5 October in 56th year after a long fight against pancreatic cancer.

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