Conflicts over patent between Apple and Samsung launched a spring and is now gaining momentum. The U.S. company, accusing rival South Korea to copy the design of the Apple smartphone produced by devices such as iPhone and tablet iPad, managed to win some important victories in the courts. So now Samsung is taking steps to respond to this. Samsung's claim to refer to Apple technology to transfer data, patented by the Korean company, which allegedly abused in the smartfonite Apple - iPhone next (fifth) generation. However, the dispute between Samsung and Apple court sided with the second company. Earlier, a court in Dusseldorf in August ruled that the pills Samsung Galaxy Tab 10,1 repeats patented design iPad-enabled, and it upheld a ban on the sale of appliances in Germany. Now Samsung appealed against this decision, expressing his view that it "limits choice of German consumers."
Previously, Apple has forced Samsung to delay the launch of Galaxy Tab 10,1 in Australia, at least until the end of September. South Korean manufacturer has decided to counterattack: the company contacted the Australian court with a counterclaim, accusing Apple of violating seven patents for wireless technologies, says Bloomberg, citing South Korean officials electronics giant. Partially acknowledged the validity of claims of Apple and the court in the Netherlands, who ordered the Samsung until mid-October to correct violations of the rights identified in three models of Android smartphone line-Galaxy. Apple filed identical request before the Japanese court, seeking a ban on sales of the line smartphone Samsun Galaxy in Japan. Patent proceedings between Apple and Samsung to market mobile devices in the U.S. will begin in October. On its outcome will depend on whether the U.S. market will be banned the sale of these gadgets to South Korean manufacturer.
TE AMÚU´Marcos Saddam
ReplyDeleteEu sei que entre nos existe a distancia que nos separa,mas isso não vai me impedis de estar com voce,de querer te encontrar,eu sempre vou pensar em voce,e sonhar com o teu toque com o eu beijo,vou ter voce do meu lado e não vou desistir de voce tão facilmente,vou te amar pra sempre vou um dia estar frente a ti e confessar que te amo;
ReplyDeleteEu vou te amar.
Te buscarei entre sorrisos,na lagrima da vontade de te encontrar,te procurarei entre os caminhos,nas estrelas que formam o céu.
Serei contigo em cada raio de sol que te tocar,no vnto que levemente acaricia o teu corpo,nas gotas da chuva que encontram-se com o teu corpo,nas pequenas coisas que te faz sorrir.
A minha felicidade se resumira em um único objetivo...encontrar voce
Estar ao seu lado pra sempre e poder dizer a cada dia EU Te AMO