Tuesday, September 27, 2011

YouTube founders launch new redesigned Delicious

The founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, who founded a company Avos, run the new refreshed Delicious, Web site marking and sharing who recently bought by Yahoo. Osvezheniot website retains many of the features that have attracted initial users, but now added additional features to help users to organize Web sites according to subjects they know best.
According to Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, Delicious is a completely new website, redesigned from scratch. The result is a new home and new user interface that facilitates use of the Delicious. The idea behind the new Delicious is to keep the original functionality, but to fix the way users discover new links and web sites.
The main feature of the Web site is the option Stack, which enables users to make a collage of their favorite links, which can then easily share with other users. The collection can be published, allowing other users to monitor and to follow when you add new links. Each collection can be customized with a profile picture, title and description, and a description under each link in the collection.
Delicious enables new enhanced tags, and retains any prior API. According to the founders, the site is still in beta and is working on its improvement, asking users to report any problems or make suggestions for new features.

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